At Pulse Student Ministries, we teach Bible truths that are relevant to young people. This is done through a mix of sermon series and leader-led group discussions. The goal is that both the sermons and the discussions will either answer specific questions or teach specific truths relevant to the teens.
Resources provided to parents will include discussion questions that can be taken home and talked over between parents and teens, as well as open communication between the Pulse team to allow for a true partnership between church and home.
The vision of Pulse Student Ministries, as a subsidiary of Take Heart Church, is first and foremost to bring glory to God. Pulse team members are a group of like-minded followers of Jesus Christ who aim to use our talents and passion for the advancement of Take Heart Church’s youth programs. We lead the next (and current) generation of Take Heart Church by our example in an uncompromised lifestyle and walk with the one true and living God.
Pulse Student Ministries seeks to promote desire in students for Take Heart Church’s mission of LIFE (Love, Involve, Freedom, Empower) by providing an atmosphere and leadership example that is focused on Jesus Christ.
Pulse Student Ministries seeks to aid parents in their God-given directive to raise their children “in the instruction and discipline of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4) by resourcing parents with tools to encourage discussion that extends outside of Pulse and into the home.